The political as well as the economic mainstream is an eternal attempt to prove that Russia is not Europe. Politically - that Russia has, they say, "a third way, a special spirituality and bonds." Economically - that people will work here only under the duress (in the Gulag, sharashka), and all other methods of stimulation are ineffective. A study by economic sociologists Karaxoni and Vinichenko shows that this is not the case. At least the working class of Russia is similar in its motivational attitudes to the working class of Slovakia (Economic Sociology, No. 1, 2018).
The researchers correctly took the working class of Moscow and the Moscow region (respondents from 15 local enterprises). The Moscow metropolitan area is similar to Slovakia's per capita GRP and GDP (about $ 15-20 thousand) and average salaries (600-1000 euros). Slovak respondents represented 17 companies.
First, about the differences between the workers of the two countries.
“In Slovak organizations (enterprises), men predominate (almost twice more; about 65:35), while in Russian the number of men and women is approximately the same, with a slight predominance of women (52% versus 48%).
Another significant difference was the absence in Russian organizations (enterprises) of employees under 20 years old and over 60 years old. This indicator indicates that in recent years, in the context of the economic crisis and continuous reforms in Russia, pensioners have been pushed out of the labor market. Young people under the age of 20 are not yet willing and not actively going to work, striving to get a higher education. "
Further on, what unites the working class of the two countries. The main thing is the general motivation: money.
“Analysis of the data showed that in the studied organizations (enterprises) there are coincidences in determining the importance for the respondents of the first two methods of motivation (incentives): an adequate level of wages, good working conditions and relationships with management. At the same time, the first place was taken by the adequate level of wages (83.5% Slovak and 84.1% Russian organizations (enterprises)). In second place were working conditions, including the ergonomics of the workplace, transport accessibility, work and rest, health care, recreational activities, etc. (82.8% for Slovaks and 82.9% for Muscovites). "
Surprisingly similar results, percentage for percentage!
All other methods of motivation in both countries are of secondary importance: corporate ethics, company interests, the ability to participate in enterprise management, etc. (HR departments often puzzle over this motivation; they don't need to do it). It turns out a simple conclusion: if they pay money, the Russian will work, and the whip is not needed here. His Slovak counterpart has the same motivation.